They are the island campus of Texas A&M University, located 148 miles southeast of College Station in Galveston, TX where that fabled Aggie Spirit is as tangible as the sea breeze. Students are Aggies by the Sea who receive a diploma from Texas A&M and their Aggie ring from the Association of Former Students. With their marine and maritime specialization, the Galveston Campus is critical to the land-, sea-, space-grant mission.
They have a rich history that began with creating the Texas A&M Maritime Academy in 1962 and remains the only maritime academy in the Gulf Coast region. They have since grown to become the specialized marine and maritime branch campus of Texas A&M, offering nearly 20 degree programs that prepare graduates to drive the blue economy around the world.
We love our TAMU Galveston Moms!
Austin Aggie Moms welcome moms of TAMU Galveston students in our club and we strive to provide resources that meet the needs of all our moms.
Mail Services
Students living in the residence halls will be provided with a mailbox, located in the Aggie Special Events Center (ASEC). To receive mail, the sender will need to address it as follows:
Shipping Address for Students (Fed-Ex, UPS etc.)
Texas A&M University at Galveston
1001 Texas Clipper Road
(Student’s Name and Drop #)
Galveston TX, Texas 77554
Mailing Address for Students (regular postal service mail)
Texas A&M University at Galveston
P.O. Box 1981 Drop # for Student
Galveston, Texas 77553
Online resources:
- Center for Academic Learning Support
- Campus Recreation (Aquatics, Club Sports, Fitness, Intramural Sports, Outdoor Programs, Wellness)
- Meal Plans
- Student Organizations/Activities
- Howdy Week
- Salt Camp
- Parking in College Station with your TAMUG permit
- Fishing at TAMUG fishing pier
- TAMU Sports Pass and Football Ticket Pulls (Galveston students pull digital football tickets online BEFORE the College Station students)