Officer Positions and Duties

Austin Aggie Moms Executive Board – Officer Positions and Duties 2024-2025

President● Preside at, call and set meetings.
● Perform all the duties of the office including: filing Federation reports, attending Federation and District meetings, calling Board meetings, reserving locations for events, Leader/Speaker at socials, attending Texas A&M invited events etc.
● Support/work with all committees/chairpersons.
● Facilitate the transfer of officer and standing committee procedure meetings and job responsibilities to the incoming board members.
● Appoint the chairwoman of each of the standing committees for President’s council.
Vice President at
Large (Past
● Fill any vacancy until said vacancy is filled, as able.
● Serve on the Scholarship Committee.
● Serve as Chairwoman of the Nominating Committee.
● Serve as Chairwoman of Ambassadors.
● Assist the President as needed.
President Elect● Become familiar with the activities pertaining to the President’s duties. This is a learning year.
● Assist the President as needed.
● Collaborate with the President and VP of Membership on recruitment of members.
1st VP Membership● Create or update the Membership form and collect dues from new and returning members.
● Compile a listing of all paid members for the password protected online directory.
● Recruit new members.
● Complete necessary forms for Federation as they pertain to Active and Associate Members of our club.
● Keep records of all payments and work with the treasurer for accurate record keeping of all payments made through the Membership form.
2nd VP Programs● Coordinate with the President to plan speakers for each meeting.
● Host and introduce guest speakers at club meetings.
● Invite and host TAMU Reps for the Singing Cadets Concert Reception.
● Invite and host TAMU Reps for the New Student Howdy event
3rd VP Social
● Plan with the President (and appropriate committee members) all club social events: Christmas Party, Howdy Social,new mom Events and other events that may be planned during the year.
● Plan and coordinate other social gatherings for our club monthly or as often as the Board decides.
● Oversee all aspects of Singing Cadet Concert cookie/ water donations and sales.
4th VP
● Help in managing and bringing ideas for raffles and other fundraisers to the Board.
● Oversee Raffle Ticket sales with Raffle Chair and VP Jewelry & Merchandise.
● Supervise and oversee committees pertaining to the Singing Cadets Concert: Singing Cadet Chair and Silent Auction. Work with these ladies to ensure venue arrangements and all other aspects of those positions are being handled and assist if needed.
● Help the Singing Cadet chair and Silent Auction Chair with troubleshooting any issues the day of the concert.
● This job requires the VP to be a ‘clearinghouse’ for information regarding fundraising.
5th VP Jewelry● Track and order inventory of the jewelry and merchandise as well as reporting and turning in of all monies.
● Sell jewelry and merchandise via mini Boutique at Aggie Mom Camp, April Boutique, online sales, meetings, Singing Cadets and other events.
● Oversee the management of the online store.
6th VP- Ring of
● Serve as the liaison for the Austin Texas A&M University Mothers’ Club and Associate Members.
● Work with the VP of Membership to create or update the Ring of Honor membership form.
● Recruit Ring of Honor members.
● Plan and Coordinate Ring of Honor events.
Recording Secretary● Record the proceedings of all the Club and Board Meetings.
● Submit written minutes to the President within seven days after the meetings.
● Correct any reports following each board meeting, as needed.
Treasurer● Receive and disburse all monies (the President will fill in as needed).
● Make monthly and yearly financial reports, both to the board and to the president as requested.
● Keep records in QuickBooks and hard-copy notebooks of financial documentation.
● Take care of all financial aspects of club events.
● Work with membership on monies in and collaborate records.
● File reports with Federation as directed.
● Pay quarterly sales tax and file IRS Form 990.

President’s Council Committees and Descriptions (Appointed by President)

● Led by the VP at Large, as long as they do not have an eligible student (In this case, the President should appoint a committee).
● Provide the General Membership and public with scholarship information, application and deadlines.
● Collect student applications, check eligibility, review content and rank applicants to receive merit scholarships based on the criteria set forth and approved by the board.
● Get Budget for scholarships from President & Treasurer
● Make recommendations to the Board at the May meeting for approval of dollar amounts to be awarded based on the budget.
Parliamentarian● Advise the Club in parliamentary procedure guided by the Bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order as needed.
● Preside at Officer and Board meetings.
● Ensure quorum when voting will be held.
● Assist with By-law amendments or revisions when Board deems necessary.
● Plan and arrange for food and drink at meetings and social gatherings.
● Track spending for the Hospitality team to stay within budget.
● Plan and arrange decorations at events as needed.
● Work with VP Socials & VP Programs to coordinate duties if a significant event is added to the calendar.
● Volunteer to work cookies and waters at Singing Cadets Concert if able.
Corresponding Secretary● Take charge of the correspondence and invitations as directed by the President.
● Send electronic birthday cards to students and other notes to members or students as appropriate.
Historian● Keep record of Club activities (Photos, flyers, written documentation).
● Ensure pictures are taken at each meeting and event and put in Google drive.
● Work with the Federation Historian to participate in Federation History Records.
● Work with the Cushing Library to preserve club history previously contained in hard copy notebooks and currently contained on the shared Google Drive.
Fish Mom Committee● Meet with our Fish Moms prior to regular meetings to educate Fish moms on different topics. Include resources for College Station and Galveston Students.
● Foster community and friendship between the Fish Moms and encourage them to be actively involved members and future leaders of our Club.
Adopt A Mom Liaison● Contact all adopted moms from out of state monthly.
● Send them newsletters and general meeting powerpoints.
● Obtain information about their student and the mom. Present the moms at the November meeting by powerpoint slide.
Silent Auction Chair● Meet with President and VP Fundraising to decide on raffle basket themes and silent auction items to target for the auction and raffle.
● Gather a committee to begin to reach out to businesses that would donate items for the auction.
● Put auction baskets together and set beginning bid prices for each.
● Ensure a protocol for check out procedures the day of the event.
Singing Cadet Chair● Work to secure a venue in conjunction with the VP Fundraising to make sure the contract denotes all items needed.
● Work with the Singing Cadet office to secure a date.
● Set up electronic ticket sales. Help sell concert tickets at meetings and online avenues. Get tickets to members that purchase them at meetings or when they signed up for membership.
● Coordinate on all expenses and budget items with VP Fundraising and Treasurer.
● Look for sponsor(s) willing to provide meals for Cadets on the day of the concert.
● Work with VP Fundraising & entire Board to secure sponsorships (You may also create a committee to help with this).
● Create a sign up to get volunteers for set up and day of event volunteers.
● Create a powerpoint and get it to the venue.
● Create a program and oversee the printing.
Raffle Chair● Provide input to the Executive Board who will determine raffles and dates to be held.
● Coordinate with VP Fundraising on all aspects of the raffle including the creation of graphics and promotional content for each raffle.
● Provide Social Media Chair with graphics and content.
● Reconcile weekly ticket sales with the VP of Jewelry and send email to
● Work with President on opportunities for the club to give back and provide selfless service
● Coordinate service activities at least two times per year for members to participate in.
Assistant Treasurer● Willing to step into Treasurer role if elected.
● Assist the current Treasurer to provide consistency and guidance in the handling of the Club treasury.
Assistant Jewelry Chair● Willing to step into 4th VP of Jewelry position if elected.
● Assist the current 4th VP of Jewelry to provide consistency and guidance in the handling of Club jewelry inventory, ordering, recording sales and reconciling cash and credit card sales.
Audit Chairperson● Review practices and procedures of the treasury and provide additional oversight (2 other members will be on this committee).
Social Media Chair● Focus on monitoring Social Media channels.
● Advertise all events of the club on Social Media channels.
● Work with Chairs of events to determine how advertising should be handled.
● Keep our club relevant and visible.
Webmaster● Maintain our Club website as needed to provide current information.
● Work with the Federation Information Officer on any improvements or changes that may be made to the website
Nominating Committee● Consists of the VP at-Large (Chairperson) and two committee members.
● Provide a full slate of officers to present to the membership for election.
Assistant Membership
● Provide assistance to VP Membership as requested.
● Responsible for compiling, placing and distributing name tag orders.
● Order name tags from an approved printer.
Ambassador● Ambassadors work under the direction of the VP at Large.
● Promote the goodwill of the Austin Aggie Mothers’ Club.
● May be called on to volunteer during different events or on an as needed basis.